About the Studio

The private fitness studio where you will be training is full of unique tools to ensure you get the most out of your time. With over 50 specialized machines, we will be able to challenge your muscles in a way no other gym can.

About the Techniques

Synergy Training and Wellness is founded on reinventing the way you feel through MAT (Muscle Activation Technique) and RTS (Resistance Training Specialization). The goal of MAT is to identify and correct neuromuscular weakness and imbalances. The result is increased: strength, joint stability, mobility, coordination and decreased recovery time and chance of injury. RTS is the study, creation and effects of a truly personalized exercise program.

About the Training

You will enjoy a highly personalized program based on your starting point and your desired end goal. Personalization will ensure you are stronger, move more easily, feel better, and understand your body. Our training system increases strength, flexibility, joint stability, while decreasing inflammation and maladaptive compensatory patterns.

About Synergy Training and Wellness

The name “Synergy” describes the relationship I build with my clients, where we work together to produce a combined effect that is greater than working separately. The name synergy also refers to the synergy between your nerves and muscles in order to create an optimized neuromuscular system.

Muscular Activation Technique (MAT): What is it?

  1. What is MAT (Muscular Activation Technique)?
    MAT is a non-invasive, specific approach to assessing and correcting muscular imbalances in the body. Developed by Greg Roskopf, MAT focuses on the relationship between muscle tightness, strength and mobility. It aims to restore symmetry and balance within the muscular system. Practitioners use a range of techniques to evaluate the body's muscular function, identify muscles that have decreased contractile capabilities, and then apply targeted exercises to activate and strengthen those muscles. This helps to improve alignment, reduce pain, and increase performance. The goal is the optimal function of each muscle in coordination with each other.

  2. Who can benefit from MAT?
    MAT can benefit a wide range of people, from athletes looking to improve their performance and reduce injury risk, to individuals suffering from chronic pain or recovering from injuries. It is also beneficial for those experiencing joint and muscle discomfort, aging individuals seeking to maintain muscle function, people who suffer from inflammatory based diseases, and anyone looking to improve their overall strength, mobility and stability.

  3. How is MAT different from traditional physical therapy, personal training or chiropractic methods?
    MAT differs from traditional physical therapy, personal training and chiropractic methods primarily in its approach and focus. While physical therapy, and personal training often focuses on treating the symptom, not solving for the underlying cause. PT treats the area of pain or dysfunction through a variety of modalities, including exercises, manual therapy, and equipment. MAT focuses specifically on identifying and correcting muscular imbalances through precise assessments and individual muscle exercises. Chiropractic care typically concentrates on the diagnosis and treatment of mechanical disorders of the musculoskeletal system, especially in the spine, with adjustments and manipulations. In contrast, MAT targets the muscular system directly, seeking to enhance muscle function and coordination as a means of restoring physical function. Muscles move bones and hold bones in place.

  4. Do I have to be an athlete to see an MAT practitioner?
    No, you do not have to be an athlete to see an MAT practitioner. MAT is suitable for individuals of all fitness levels and ages who are interested in improving their neuro-muscular health and overall physical function. Whether you are an active sports participant, someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle, or someone dealing with aging-related muscular issues, MAT can be tailored to meet your specific goals and needs.

  5. I have injuries, can I still see an MAT practitioner?
    Yes, individuals with injuries can see an MAT practitioner. In fact, MAT can be particularly beneficial for those recovering from injuries as it focuses on identifying and addressing the muscular imbalances that may either cause pain or have resulted from the injury. By enhancing muscle function, MAT can aid in the recovery process and help prevent future injuries. Thoughrought our life, our body’s capability of tolerating stress decreases while the number of stress increases. This stress can be physical, chemical, or emotional; all of these stresses lead to an inflammatory response in the neuromuscular system. The compounded stress and residual inflammation lead to a reduced tolerance in withstanding the stress that we apply and experience on a daily basis. MAT is able to both increase tolerance while decreasing the current inflammatory levels at the same time.

  6. How often should I do MAT?
    The frequency of MAT sessions can vary based on individual needs, goals, and the specific issues being addressed. Initially, it may be recommended to attend MAT sessions more frequently, such as twice a week, to effectively assess and begin correcting any muscular imbalances. As improvements are made, the frequency of sessions may decrease. Continued sessions are often recommended to maintain muscle balance and function. It’s best to work closely with your MAT practitioner to determine an appropriate schedule that meets your personal health and wellness objectives.

  7. What does a typical MAT™ session look like?
    A typical session with a MAT™ practitioner will consist of muscle testing, applying precise amounts of manual force via palpation of the target muscles, and reassessing the treated muscles. The practitioner may test leg muscles for range of motion, mobility, and strength by moving the limb in various directions. Each test is correlated to a specific muscle. Using manual force, or palpation, the practitioner will apply pressure at the places where that muscle attaches to the bone in order to reconnect that muscle with the nervous system. The muscle will be retested to see if there is any improvement.

Our Private Fitness Studio

Reinventing The Way You Feel

Our private fitness studio is a world class facility which is full of unique tools to get the most out of your workout. We have 50 of the best machines in the world which have been specifically curated to challenge your muscles in a way no other gym can.

MAT - Muscle Activation Techniques
Resistance Training Specialist
Kingsmen 31
ACE Certified

My Fitness Journey

My name is Nate Wehner and I am a certified MAT, RTS and ACE personal strength trainer. I founded Synergy to help people achieve their fitness goals no matter where they are on their fitness journey - and I chose the name "Synergy" because that describes the type of relationship I want to develop one-on-one with each client.

The story of my fitness journey is meant to give you my background, history and a look into my approach towards helping you with your fitness journey.

Since I was a old enough to walk, I have been playing sports. I loved the competition as well as the fact that it gave me an adrenaline rush that I have been unable to replicate. I played soccer, football growing up and in high school was a seven time letter athlete in baseball and basketball.

I continued my baseball career at California Lutheran University where our team won a National Championship and I set the record for career appearances by a pitcher. The key to my ability to not miss a pitching outing for my four years in college was the use of MAT and RTS to treat and prevent injuries.

Playing sports was what I did in my free time but the problem was that my neuro-muscular system was not strong enough to handle the stresses of all the sports I played. Starting in eighth grade I was constantly dealing with tendonitis in my pitching elbow and both of my knees. Through a recommendation from a Physical Therapist, I found Muscle Activation Technique. Through MAT, I was able to stay healthy enough to compete and succeed at a high level. But it wasn't until I combined the techniques of Resistance Training Specialization (RTS) and MAT that I was able to not just not just be reactive to injury but also prevent it.

While playing baseball at CLU, I studied exercise science because I was interested in the human body, and I wanted to be able to help people overcome whatever is preventing them from reaching their potential. While at school, I learned so much that is currently helping me understand how people think about fitness. I didn't realize how special both the MAT and RTS thought processes are. I was taking for granted things that many people don't even realize is possible. I think that these are revolutionary techniques and processes and I hope to be able to help them with you.

My approach to fitness is very individualized. With MAT I am trying to increase muscle function to help your muscles respond better. With RTS, I am manipulating seven different variables in order to design exercises that are appropriate for your body on that given day to challenge your muscular system in such a way that when you walk out of the gym, you are feeling better and stronger. If you want more information on both the MAT and RTS training systems please check our Training page.

My Fitness Journey is not special but it is unique and I am thankful for those who have helped me learn the techniques that I use today, and I am also thankful for those who helped reinforce why these techniques are so beneficial and unlike anything else out there. It has been a strenuous trip and guidance of several fantastic individuals I would not be here today in the position to help people. I understand that your health and fitness are not always a straight line but through the MAT and RTS training techniques I hope to create a lasting impact on my clients health and help guide them through their fitness journey.

Need more details or information?

We are ready to answer your questions or to schedule a complimentary consultation and assessment.

Our Fitness Training Services Include: Muscle Activation Techniques | Personal Strength Training

Synergy Training and Wellness serves clients across San Diego, la Jolla & Pacific Beach, CA, and the surrounding areas. We also serve clients In-Home and Virtually.

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